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A letter from F. Alberto Amarisse from Cave OFM martyr of the Armenian Genocide

We publish a letter from the Servant of God Fr. Alberto OFM Amarisse that more than a hundred years ago described the situation in Syria. Father Alberto Amarisse from Cave was a Franciscan martyr in Armenia Minor and more precisely in the current Province of Kahramanmarash. For more on his life refer to the site

P. Alberto Amarisse da Cave
Martire del Genocidio Armeno

Marasc, April 28, 1909
"Secretary Rev. Father

"Today at 10:30 AM from the fortress we feel the thunderous cannon who does not already destroyed the city, but rather rejoice these poor people faded and haggard from the nightmare of massacres. The dellal, public criers, proclaim with joyful shout the new Sultan, the streets repopulate of Christians and the whole city takes the ancient joyous aspect. 
"This public rejoicing, Reverend Father, he has partially lifted the heart; I say partially because I tear my heart to know that thousands of children are found wandering the mountains and without bread and that many Christian villages for fear they are Muslims made. And among these villages are numbered for now Tavullè, Calalè, Dutalè and Anegeck. 
"Here in Marasc only Saturday (April 17) there was a massacre, in which Christians were killed fifteen and forty wounded and would have been much more terrible if the local government had not taken firm action immediately. On that day a thousand people took refuge at our hospice, and, after three days, the less fearful they began to ritornarsene to their homes; other then this morning are happy and contented with their small families, a thousand thanks, and went in their neighborhoods. To tell the truth, among so many people, camped in our hospice, there was enough order, sure to be under good protection, defended by soldiers kindly sent to us by the Governor. In our villages round about, that Mugiukderesi, Jenige-Kale and Bunduch, outside a tremendous panic, no painful event happened; Only two Donkalè sirs named Ali and Mustafa Rahmage began to arouse evils moods between Christians and Turks, but soon these two dangerous beings were called in by the Governor to Marasc income rationem. 
"The massacre was terrible in the nearby village of Asciflì, where 74 houses were set on fire and killed 16 people. Bagkce, Hassenbei, Karne with eleven other villages were burned, victims, for now, you can not enumerate with certainty. They came to our Hospice over there some people to ask for alms; These tears in her eyes assured me that hundreds of Christians were killed in those parts, hundreds of brides after being ... were killed, hundreds of orphans for fear of being killed themselves took refuge in the forests where they feed on grasses. I received also a letter of Fendegiack, in which abut the same misfortunes and beg Christian charity. Christian charity can only alleviate the pain of these poor hapless and forlorn, and put a stop to the calamities that come from hunger. I sent to those poor 108 kilograms of flour; the rest, I am sure, will do the Divine Providence. 
"Welcome, RP Secretary, my sincere compliments and I always believe" 

DSP Rev.
Humble Brother
Among A. Amarisse
